•      Wed Mar 12 2025

2,199 candidates in fray for PR seats in HoR

The Election Commission has published the final closed list of candidates for the proportional election system under the upcoming House of Representatives and Provincial Assembly member elections.

According to the Commission, the final closed list has been published after examining the closed list submitted by the party for the purpose of the election. Details of the closed list of proportional representation side are kept on the Commission’s website.

There are 2,199 candidates for proportional representation seats in the House of Representatives. Likewise, 616 candidates are in the fray for PR seats in Province 1, 863 for Madhes, 754 for Bagmati, 344 for Gandaki, 579 for Lumbini, 200 for Karnali and 352 for Sudur Paschim Province assemblies.

It may be noted that the names of 550 people were removed from the list after they were disqualified due to various reasons. There were a total of 6,457 candidates for PR seats in the House of Representatives and the Provincial Assembly in the closed list submitted by the political parties for the proportional system of the November 20 general elections.