KAWASOTI: Sixty Seven vultures have been found dead at the same place in Ramgram Municipality-4 Jitpur of West Nawalparasi. An endangered vulture has been found dead in a pond area in Jitpur.
An investigation is underway into how a large number of endangered vultures came to Jitpur at once and died. Bharat Kafle, chief of the West Nawalparasi District Animal Husbandry Office, said that 67 vultures were found dead, including 33 Dangar vultures, 31 mountain vultures, two king vultures and a small brown vulture.
A team of experts is currently investigating the cause of death.
The bodies of two dead dogs were found in the open place and two more dogs were found in sacks where the vulture died. In a preliminary study, the dogs might have been killed using pesticides and thrown there, which the vultures might have consumed.
Various programs are being run by the government for the conservation of vultures in Nepal. Bird conservationist DB Chaudhary said that finding a large number of dead vultures at the same time was a great loss.