•      Wed Oct 9 2024

Mobile tower in Chhangru

Nepal Telecom (file photo)

Kathmandu: The CDMA mobile service has been put into the operations after the maintenance work carried out by Nepal Telecom team installed at Byas Gaun Palika of Darchula District.

The mobile tower is linked by VSAT terminal. The newly setup BOP of Armed Police Force at Chhangru, Kalapani, Gunji/Kuti and Tinker areas are being served by this telephone tower.

Even some of India communities of Dharchula also known to be benefited from this service.

This work was possible after Nepal Telecom staff was airlifted by Helicopter from Home ministry. Coordinated with CDO of Darchula District.

Earlier Nepal Telecom central office had requested Ministry of Home Affairs for necessary help for transportation of technician and equipment to the site.