Kathmandu . Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is not a specific disease as the society largely (mis) believes but a manageable mental health condition. As experts say ‘it is neurological development disorder’ that hampers the socialization and communication skills of a child.
As a result, people with autism face loneliness and social isolation. In classroom, they may struggle with sensory processing. Family environment, awareness and care giving skills can hugely contribute to the management of autism. But contrary to medical suggestions, the society falsely considers it as a serious health issue which is leading the issue to worse, instead of finding the solution.
An organisaiton named Voice of Women dedicating itself as it claims to increase public understanding and clearing up misconceptions about ADS says the condition is manageable. The organisation activities are focused on making the family, schools and teachers aware of the fact, according to organisation member Monica Manandhar.
According to the World Health Organisation, one in 64 children have symptoms of this or that type of autism. But in the case of Nepal, data about the children with autism is still missing. The issue can be largely addressed if family and society treat it with a positive approach.
People of the concerned sector say that the actual data could not be collected as the family members do not want to reveal the facts about their children. It is said that problem has surfaced to the state to formulate policy in lack of identification of condition and number of such people.
Shrestha said that family members of such persons have started being opened gradually in recent times. Problems could be resolved easily if any problem comes out openly in the society.
In Nepali Society, some of the parents still do not want to talk openly about the health or mental problem in their children, and parents may go into depression due to this. Parents are also found to be in a state of anguish thinking about the future of their children.
Autism could be managed through therapy. Many parents have experienced that it would be easier to children if they undergo therapy for thrice in a week and it would bring change in life of such children.
Parents or family members are expected to give enough time to the people with autism to make their life easier. They need to be engaged in constructive activities with regular consultation with health specialists.
No medicine is available so far for the treatment of autism. Therapy is the best way to help children with ASD to live a normal life. Physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, music therapy, art therapy and Allopathic therapy are helpful for them.
Awareness Activities
Voice of Women is organising a grand event named Scoot-a-thon event on Saturday and the the venue is Soaltee Banquet, Soaltee mode early morninf 7 am,with all female scooty riders around 60 in nos from different part of work areas.
This event focus area is to pay respect to women traffic police personnels, fundraiser for autism awareness and to bring women together to be involved in social driven programmes. VOW also has been doing Selfless love for homeless project since last 9 months feeding 100 homeless people every thursday morning in 4 different parts of Kathmandu as Kalimati,Swayambhu, Basantapur and Thamel.
VOW accepts contribution of Rs 365 a month from anyone to participate in this feeding programme. So anyone interested to be a part of this social cause could contact the team through social media too. This is one of a kind social group for women’s to be in where they can explore their own self and ability and grow their innerself.RSS