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Call for giving recognition to students completing higher education in Sowa Rigpa studies

Kathmandu, Dec 29: Stakeholders have called for giving formal recognition to students studying the Sowa-Rigpa system of medicine that has been in practice for centuries.

Speaking in a discussion programme organized by ADARA Nepal here today, they complained that the students completing their studies from the Sowa Rigpa International College at Bouddha Jorpati were not provided with certificates by the Medical Council and they were facing problem for further studies or joining the government service.

The College is affiliated to the Lumbini Buddhist University (LBU).

Thirty-five students from Nepal, Bhutan, India, Finland, Costa Rica, Spain and Tibet have completed five and half years’ course as well as one-year internship course from the College at present.

Additional Secretary at the Ministry of Health and Population, Dr Dipendra Raman Singh, said the Ministry was positive on systematizing the higher education in Sowa Rigpa system of medicine for its preservation, promotion and expansion. He described Sowa Rigpa as the world’s oldest medical treatment system based on the Himalayan herbal medicines.

Chief of the Ministry’s Policy, Planning and Monitoring Division, Dr Krishna Prasad Poudel stressed on the need of the required policy reforms for managing quotas for the Sowa Rigpa graduates in hospitals and medical facilities, as arrangements have been made for this system of medicine in the Health Policy.

Registrar of the Ayurved Medical Council Dr Nirmal Bhusal opined that the process could be forwarded for registering students completing higher studies in Sowa Rigpa in the Council in the context of Sowa Rigpa getting government recognition in many countries including India.

Former Dean of LBU Dr Ukesh Raj Bhuju also called for giving recognition to the Sowa Rigpa graduates as its curriculum has been prepared by the University as per the suggestion of the subject experts and the endorsement of the Subject Committee and the LBU Senate.

Director General of the Ayurveda and Medical Department, Dr Shyam Babu Yadavm said that Sowa Rigpa can be given recognition as it is under the Department.
National Representative of ADARA Nepal, Prabin Dhakal, said that the amchis who have been practicising the Sowa Rigpa system of health treatment in the mountainous region of the country have been providing accessible and effective health services to the locals, and they have also been making key contribution to community development.

He stressed that the State should provide equal treatment to and recognition to all the traditional medical practices.

Director of Sowa Rigpa International College Dr Tenzing Dharke Gurung also called for providing recognition to Sowa Rigpa graduates as this course was formally taught as a medical course in many countries around the world, including India and China.

The Lho Ghekar Damodarkunda rural municipality in Mustang and the Chumanubri rural municipality in Gorkha have formally recognized Sowa Rigpa practice at present.

Representatives of the stakeholder bodies agreed that the Sowa Rigpa medical treatment system should be expanded to the government hospitals. They also stressed on having the education on this traditional medical practice registered like other medical education systems.

Sowa Rigpa is currently in practice as the Buddha-era health treatment system. RSS #Nepal