•      Wed Mar 26 2025
Biratnagar, Pokhara Metropolis unveils budget for upcoming Fiscal Year

Biratnagar, June 25: The Biratnagar Metropolitan City in Morang district has presented over Rs 3.28 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2023/24. Deputy Mayor Shilpa Nirala Karki unveiled the annual estimate of revenue and expenses in the 12th Municipal Assembly of the Metropolis on Sunday. Among the allocated budget,

Kathmandu metropolis budget, new taxes for businesses

Kathmandu Metropolitan City presented the Economic Bill, 2080BS in the Municipal Assembly on Sunday to implement the financial proposal.

NEPSE index increased by 62 points today

The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) index has seen a high growth today. The NEPSE index increased by 3.3 percent i.e.

Chuchekhola becoming ‘Khuwa’ hub

Price of a kg khuwa has also increased to Rs 700 from Rs 15 in the past. He has increased

Gold prices up by Rs 400 per tola today

Gold prices up by Rs 400 per tola today

Rajesh Kumar Agrawal elected as President of CNI

Rajesh Kumar Agrawal has been elected as the President of Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI). The Confederation's 20th annual general

Gold price
Gold trading at Rs. 109,800 per tola today

Gold trading at Rs. 109,800 per tola today

NATTA draws Finance Minister’s attention over ‘expensive tickets’

The Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA) has called attention of the Finance Minister towards the air tickets

Correction and reform awaited for meaningful change in budget

Every year, we hope the policies and programmes the government brings ensures changes, and even the Nepalis living in the

Gold trading at Rs. 110,500 per tola today

Gold trading at Rs. 110,500 per tola today