•      Sun Sep 29 2024
NTIP launched: New beginning in export promotion

            Kathmandu, Sept 19: The government has launched 'Nepal Trade Information Portal' (NTIP) with an objective of facilitating the export promotion. The portal incorporates all information related to export-import.             The NTIP is a key tool to present information that will assist traders as they seek to do business —

World Bank: Nepal needs to increase investments in energy by…

Kathmandu, Sept 19: In line with the ambitious target of producing 15 gigawatts in 10 years and meeting the rising

revenue investigation
Three companies face tax avoidance charge

Kathmandu, Sept 19: The Department of Revenue Investigation has reached court, seeking actions against three companies charged of tax avoidance.  

“Nepal has conducive environment for foreign investment,” assures Minister Gyawali

Kathmandu, Sept 17: Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali has said that Nepal has a favorable environment for foreign

Asian Development Bank president Nakao to step down

TOKYO, Sep 17 (AP) — The president of the Asian Development Bank, Takehiko Nakao, plans to step down early next

Nepal informs North Koreans to take back their investments

Kathmandu, Sept 17: The government of Nepal has informed North Koreas to take back its investment made in Nepal by

Iron ore reserve excavation gains ground

Kawaswoti, Sept 17: The excavation of iron ore reserve is gaining ground at Dhauwadi of Nawalpur. With the government decision

Facing US ban, Huawei emerging as stronger tech competitor

SHENZHEN, China, Sept 17 (AP) — Long before President Donald Trump threatened to cut off Huawei’s access to U.S. technology,

India’s economy slows, stalling once thriving manufacturing

By SHEIKH SAALIQ Associated Press NEW DELHI, Sep 16, 2019 (AP) — Anuj Kapoor took over his father’s booming auto

Malaysia-bound job with zero cost and social security assured

Kathmandu, Sept 15: The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security has clarified the Malaysia-bound job has been made regular