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SURKHET: CPN (Unified Socialist) Chairman Madhav Kumar Nepal has said that they waged a revolt in the UML since the latter deviated from the communist movement. At a meet the press programme in Surkhet on Thursday, Chairman Nepal argued that they disassociated themselves from the UML to safeguard the movement
KATHMANDU: Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has said that the support of every individual is needed to build a society
KATHMANDU: The 24 Human rights organizations, including Accountibility Watch Committee, have written a letter to the organizers requesting the organizers
KATHMANDU: The Supreme Court is to conduct hearing based on lottery-system from December 1, 2021. The recent full court meeting
KATHMANDU: A book titled “Congressko Abako Bato (Way forward of Nepali Congress)” has been released here in Kathmandu today. The
KATHMANDU: Santosh Chalise has been elected the Kathmandu electoral constituency-3 of the Nepali Congress (NC). According to the vote counts
KATHMANDU: With the 10th National Congress of CPN UML round the corner, efforts are on to ensure effective security to
CHITWAN: A total of 3,500 hotel rooms in Sauraha have been booked in view of the CPN UML’s 10th National
KATHMANDU: The Election Commission is to launch voters’ registration at local level centres giving continuity to voters’ list collection underway
KATHMANDU: Prime Minister and Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba has been unanimously elected as a delegate to the party’s