•      Mon Mar 3 2025

Chief Justice has no role in executive decision: CJ Rana

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KATHMANDU: Chief Justice Cholendra Shumser JB Rana has said the appointment of a minister is solely the executive affair and the Chief Justice has no role at all towards that end.

During his meeting with a delegation including Nepal Bar Association (NBA) President Purnaman Shakya on Monday, the CJ said it was the sole decision of Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba to whom he appoint minister.

The NBA delegation reached out to the CJ and drew his attention to the media report that CJ had sought his share in the Council of Ministers.

The Chief Justice said he has serious objection to the news report and the court would soon present its official views on the matter, said delegation member Bikash Bhattarai quoting the CJ.

The news about the issue was published on Saturday and the CJ has termed the news beyond the reality.