•      Wed Mar 12 2025

CPN (Unified Socialist) unveils election manifesto insisting on reforms in electoral system

The CPN (Unified Socialist) has insisted on the need of reforms in the existing electoral system, claiming that it is costlier and bars the people dedicating politically and the economically not well-off from reaching the governance system.

Unveiling an election manifesto for the House of Representatives and Province Assembly Elections-2079 BS here today, the party pledged to go with the reformed electoral system as per the demand of time.

“The existing electoral system is highly expensive, complicated and extravagant and we want to reform it, making it simple and less costlier,” the party said in the manifesto.

Describing the political system characterized by the federalism-oriented federal democratic republic, proportional inclusion, social justice and secularism gained by overthrowing monarchy is the foundation for socio-economic transformations in the society, the party pledged to make efforts for securing additional accomplishments by protecting the achievements of so far.

The party has equally laid an emphasis on the building of sufficient economy. It vows to make efforts for ending the culture of freezing of capital expenditure, skyrocketing market price and black market trading and so on.

Talking about national economy, the document mentions backwardness, import-based trade, ballooning trade deficit, high unemployment, departure of agri-workforce, abroad migration of youth workforce, continuous rise in debt, lack of capital expenditure, high inflation, black market trading, approach and control of crony capitals over the resources of production, exploration of shark loaners, misconducts in fiscal sector, scarcity and poverty are basic problems of the domestic economy.

Emphasizing on building a self-sufficient economy, the Unified Socialist has included with priority in its election manifesto issues like promoting production growth in the agriculture, industry, energy, among other major sectors and development and expansion of service sectors as tourism, management and information technology.

“Our main responsibility at present is to reduce the dependency and to build the base of a self-reliant economy. We want to move ahead in a steadfast manner for taking up this major responsibility and we need the people’s support for this,” reads the election manifesto.

The slogan of the Unified Socialist’s election manifesto is- ‘Economic-Social Transformation: Building the Basis of Socialism.’ The party reiterated that its goal is scientific socialism.

“Scientific socialism is a condition in which all people have food, shelter, clothes. They are provided with education, health and employment and have equal right over means of production. It is a social system having social justice and equality,” the manifesto states.

The party has stated that this social and economic condition cannot be achieved without conducting an extensive campaign for socio-economic transformation in the Nepali society, and the party was commi9tted to run such a campaign.

The CPN (Unified Socialist) has emphasized on conducting Nepal’s foreign policy with all countries on the basis of equality among nations, mutual benefit, non-interference and respect for each other, the five principles of peaceful co-existence (Panchasheel), the United Nations Charter and international laws. It also expects the same from other countries. RSS