Lalitpur, Dec 11: Deputy Speaker Indira Ranamagar has said only the legal efforts are not sufficient to end violence against women (VAW) and it was necessary to change people’s mindset for this.
Speaking at a National Conference for an Address to Gender-based Violence: ‘Policy and Institutional Structural Analysis’, here today, the Deputy Speaker said, “Effective implementation of laws aiming to combat violence against women are awaited. The society has not been free from violence. Changes in people’s mindset and actions are essential to eliminate violence against women.”
Likewise, sufficient laws to promote child rights are needed. There is a situation compelling women to face challenges and to struggle in each sector and prove their competency, according to the Deputy Speaker who echoed the need of combating women violence within from home.
As she said, the construction of big buildings and skyscrapers is not complete indicator of development.
She underlined the need of women’s access to digital technology, right value for products manufactured by them and the State’s more investment in their capacity enhancement.
National Campaign for Women Rights Chair Sarita Ghimire said women representatives from 42 districts participated in the event.