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Employers Need not be Stingy to Embrace Social Security Scheme: Minister Bista

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            Kathmandu, Aug 26: Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security, Gokarna Bista, has said employers need not be stingy to embrace the contribution-based social security scheme. 

            In his address to a programme organised by the Joint Trade Union Coordination Center (JTUCC) here on Sunday, the Minister said the scheme which demanded a small contribution from employers would relieve them from a greater economic risk.   

            There was no need for employers to panic that it (scheme) would cause additional financial burden to them.

            Under the scheme, employees shall contribute 11 percent of the basic payment to the fund and employers concerned shall provide 20 percent to take a total 31 percent contribution.  According to the Minister, the scheme will be eventually beneficial for both employees and employers.

            He sought a role of trade union to consolidate a ground for the effective enforcement of the scheme.

            The scheme came as a tripartite agreement among the government, employees and workers and none could escape it, he said. He took time to call upon the trade union to make sure the in-depth discussions on the matter and to enlist employers and workers under the scheme by coming October 17, warning that the government would be tougher on disobedient (s). 

            Minister Bista assured of the scheme implementation by the stipulated time. The Ministry had arranged its meeting with the PABSON on the matter on Friday and it sat for discussions with hoteliers today. The next meeting will be with banks and finances.

            The government will be concentrated to bringing all the liable parties under the scheme, according to him. 

            JTUCC Chair Binod Shrestha sought the stronger role of the government to implement the scheme effectively, pledging its full support towards that end.                    

So far, 4,092 enterprises and 35,500 workers have been listed in the scheme that came into effect from July 17, 2018.