London, Oct 28 (ANI): The European Union leaders on Monday approved Britain’s request for a three-month extension to the Brexit process, meaning that the country would not leave the bloc on Thursday as per the previous deadline.
Announcing the same on Twitter, Donald Tusk, the president of the EU Council, said that bloc’s 27 remaining leaders agreed to a “flextension” until January 2020, adding that the decision must still be formalised through a written procedure.
“The EU27 has agreed that it will accept the UK’s request for a #Brexit flextension until 31 January 2020. The decision is expected to be formalised through a written procedure.”
The delay, granted for the third time by the EU this year, will be cut short if British Prime Minister Boris Johnson passes his exit deal before January 2020, CNN points out in its report.
The delay has come despite repeated promises by Johnson in the past that the UK would leave the bloc on 31 October deadline with or without a deal.