•      Mon Mar 10 2025

Expecting mother airlifted in Khotang

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KHOTANG: Bhimadevi Rai, 26, of Dikuwa in Halesi Tuvachung Municipality-2 was airlifted on Saturday after she could not give birth at a health post in Dikuwa.

The health post immediately referred her to Kathmandu after observing complications in the child birth.

Unfortunately the new born did not survive even though a C-section delivery was carried at the Thapathali-based maternity hospital in Kathmandu, according to Bhimadevi’s husband Prabin Rai.

Bhimadevi was rescued via a helicopter under the President Women’s Upliftment Program, said Assistant Chief District Officer Bikal Shrestha.

So far 24 pregnant women have been rescued under this program which was started in the district from the fiscal year 2075/76.