DAMAULI: The family of a nine-year-old girl who died after being attacked by a cheetah has been provided relief assistance. The Bandipur Rural Municipality and the Division Forest Office have ensured Rs 100 thousand to the bereaved family as the expenses to conduct the mourning rituals.
Swikriti Thapa from Bahunbhanjyang of Bandipur Rural Municipality-5 was killed in the attack by the beast last Monday evening. The local government and the forest office provided Rs 50 thousand each to the family, according to rural municipality Chair Purna Singh Thapa.
It is said the forest office has announced to provide Rs one million to the family and remaining amount will be released within the next few days. The loss of a life could not be compensated by the money, but it was a symbolic gesture to make the family feel that the government was with them during these hours of grief.
The beast has continued unleashing terror since the past few years in the district. The forest office warned that the same animal could find the next victim and it has urged locals to keep the settlement illuminated during evening and night.
Office Chief Komal Raj Kafle asked the locals to lock their houses, remove bush around the settlement, not to walk alone in the evening, not to let children go outside unescorted and take special protection of the minors and elderly citizens.
As he believed, the beast started entering the human settlement in lack of its feed due to increasing poaching of wild animal like deer and wild hens. So far, 11 children have fallen prey to the attack from the wild animals since February 13, 2018.
Six-year-old Bishal Shrestha of Bhanu Municipality-3 was the first known victim to the attack.