•      Tue Mar 11 2025

Finance Ministry issues directive to reduce budget for fuel by 20 percent

KATHMANDU: The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has issued a directive to different ministries, agencies and public agencies to reduce fuel consumption by 20 percent.

Issuing a notice today, the ministry of finance directed the concerned agencies to reduce remaining budget allocated under the heading of fuel for the current fiscal year by 20 percent..

The Ministry has clarified that the measure of fuel consumption would however not be applicable for the development projects, law and order, most essential services and upcoming local level election.

Saying that growing trade deficit, declining remittance inflow and slashing foreign currency reserve have mounted pressure on national economy, the ministry noted the government on April 13 had decided to cut budget allocated under the heading of fuel consumption.

The government had decided to reduce the budget allocated under the heading of administration and fuel consumption by 10 percent each so as to promote trend of energy consumption.

The fuel cut-off measure would remain effective up to July 15, informed MoF Spokesperson Dhundi Prasad Niraula. The Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration would carry out monitoring of its implementation.