KATHMANDU: Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana today has assigned benches to hear all types of cases including the habeas corpus ones. He has assigned hearings for 334 cases in ten benches (nine division and one single).
He has however not assigned hearing for himself. However, hearing has not started. The Supreme Court judges were refusing to conduct the hearing since October 24, calling for CJ Rana’s resignation after allegations that he sought a share in the expansion of the Council of Ministers and this has raised a question on the dignity of the judiciary.
On Thursday, a full court meeting of SC judges including the CJ had decided to endorse the regulations including the lottery system for allocating the benches and following the decision, judges agreed to join benches.
Amidst the suspensions of benches, hearing has been held only on cases related to habeas corpus in between. The disruptions in the hearing resulted in inconvenience for service-seekers.
Meanwhile, the Bar Association Nepal, the umbrella organization of Nepali lawyers, has staged a sit-in program in the premises of head office of NBA today as well, calling for the immediate resignation of Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher Rana.