•      Mon Mar 10 2025

Home Minister insists on proper utilization of budget

Bal Krishna Khand

Kathmandu: Home Minister Bal Krishna Khand has insisted on the full utilization of budget allocated from the State coffer. The budget meant for the disaster management efforts must be utilised hundred percent, he asserted.

In his address to a meeting of the National Disaster Risk Mitigation and Management Executive Committee at Singha Durbar today, the Home Minister said he wanted the proper utilization of budget allocated for disaster management.

Talking about gradual shortage of budget for disaster management on one hand and the hurdles in timely spending the allocated budget on the other, the Minister said the government wants result-oriented efforts in the disaster management.

Sharing about the government’s plan to seek a leading role of the respective local government in the disaster management and lending a technical support from the centre from this time, he said the government wished to see the cooperation from all quarters towards that end.

As he said, all bodies concerned are found seriously working in the country in regard with the disaster risk mitigation, prevention and management of the losses. “Nepal is highly vulnerable to disasters.”

He added that the government assessed and acknowledged the role of security bodies and the related officials in the effectiveness of disaster response efforts.

He recalled the losses caused by heavy rains at various parts of the country last year and at some parts this year too.

National Disaster Risk Mitigation and Management Authority Chief Executive Officer Anil Pokhrel presented a proposal on various matters on the occasion.