Kathmandu, Oct 15 : The two-day International Dalit Summit concluded today by issuing a nine-point Kathmandu declaration, promising to make attempts for internationalisation of Dalit issues and make initiations for enacting strong acts against caste-based discriminations.
The theme of the event was the ‘role of emigrant Nepalis in the elimination of caste-based discrimination’.
The conference reached to a conclusion that an alliance and combined efforts among all the Nepali dalit community residing across the world were needed to fight caste-based discrimination which had been worldwide with globalisation and migration.
The Summit was organised by several organisations including the Nepalese American Society for Oppressed Community (NASO) USA, and the Global Forum Against Caste-based Discrimination, seeking their strategic and effective mobilisation in Nepal’s Dalit Movement.
The Summit, identifying the Dalit issues as international issues, agreed to plead at an international level including in the United Nations and International Human Rights Network for the resolution of eliminating racial and caste based discrimination.
It has called on Nepal’s international development partners to come up with substantive plans and polices for the uplift and development of the Dalit community.
The Summit was inaugurated by Minister for Youth and Sports Jagat Bahadur Bishwakarma. Dalit rights activists Dr Bishnumaya Pariyar, and Dr Nirmala Bishwakarma among others gave their paper presentations on the issues of rights of Dalit, present situation and the future course of action.