•      Mon Feb 3 2025

Kathmandu Metro authorities completely losing their hearts !

Balen Shah
KMC Mayor Balen Shah inspecting the fire sight at the Bhrikutimandap in Kathmandu. (file photo)

Raju Prasad Chapagain 

Kathmandu: The prohibitory notice issued by Kathmandu Metropolitan City Office on 10 January 2023 again illustrates that the Kathmandu Metro authorities are completely losing their hearts !

They appear to have adopted a “criminal law approach” to deal with peoples living in extreme poverty (e.g. street vendors and landless peoples).

Social justice obligations of the local government are being completely undermined or ignored!

The national oversight mechanisms including National Human Rights Commission of Nepal – NHRC, Nepal should have monitored the attitude and actions of the authorities and held them accountable.

Unfortunately, they seem excessively lethargic and ineffective including in terms of the violations of economic, social and cultural rights.

It’s therefore high time for UN mechanisms (e.g. United Nations Human Rights, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty , Special Rapporteur on #righttoadequatehousing, Special Rapporteur on #RightToAdequateFood) to closely monitor and speak up for the human rights based approach to dealing with these issues.


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