•      Tue Mar 18 2025

Kishore Pradhan announces his candidature for FNCCI

Kathmandu: Kisor Pradhan has announced his candidature for the post of Senior Vice President of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), an umbrella organization of Nepali industry and business.

Before submitting his candidature, he said that he has been working in the field of industry and commerce for the last 28 years and as he considers the federation as a temple.

Pradhan expressed confidence that the voters would make him the winner as his group was able to solve all the business problems in the candidature announcement program organized in Kathmandu.

He also said that the federation should be kept away from politics to save the country’s economy. He said that he believed that the group of his choice would come forward to make his work successful as he was also with the future chairman Shekhar Golchha.

Anjan Shrestha has also announced his candidature for the post of commodity Vice-Chairman, Dinesh Shrestha for the post of District Vice-Chairman and Saurabh Jyoti for the post of Associate. Pradhan-led group is also supported by the current senior Vice President Shekhar Golchha.

The 54th annual General Assembly and election of the federation is being held in Kathmandu on November 26, 27 and 28. The 54th general assembly and election of the federation, which was supposed to be held last April, was postponed due to Covid 19.

Two groups have been contesting in the forthcoming election. The other group is led by prominent enterpreneur Chandra Prasad Dhakal. He has already registered his candidature.