•      Fri Mar 7 2025

Landslide displaces 94 families in Bajura

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BAJURA: The incessant rainfall since the 15th of this month has thrown life out of gear in Bajura district. Scores of settlements are at risk due to flood and landslide triggered by the monsoon rain.

The rivers and streams in the district have become swollen intensifying the risk to nearby settlements.

Ninety four families have been displaced at Kyudi, Himali rural municipality-5 in the north-east of the district as the road below the settlement has collapsed and landslide has started occurring at the spot, said Birkha Bahadur Pandey, the Coordinator of the Prime Minister Employment Programme in the rural municipality.

The settlement is at risk of this landslide that has occurred on a section of the Rugin-Bichchhya rural road right below the village.

As a result, the entire village has been displaced and the residents have been living in makeshift tents, the rural municipality officiating chief administrative officer Raj Bahadur Bhandari said. As many as four families are sharing a single tent, he said.

Himali Rural Municipality Chair, Govindra Bahadur Malla said the settlement has to be shifted to a safer location.