Kathmandu, April 1: Lawmakers and stakeholders have stressed that the School Education Bill-2080 should ensure meaningful participation of guardians in school management committee.
At an interaction ‘Guardians in Education Act’ organised on the occasion of 10th establishment day of Community School Management Committee Federation of Nepal here today, role of guardians in school management was highlighted.
On the occasion, Nepali Congress General-Secretary and lawmaker Gagan Kumar Thapa pointed out the need of participation of guardians while drafting this act. “Guardians have not been included in school education bill related discussions.
There should be collaboration with guardians”, he shared, adding community should be united for reform of community schools. Similarly, Secretary of the CPN (UML) and lawmaker Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai, said the school education bill is going to be formulated since long and it should be discussed by all.
It was necessary to increase state’s investment and guardianship in education, he underlined. Likewise, former Education Minister and lawmaker of the CPN (Maoist Centre), Devendra Poudel mentioned that there would be no improvement of any sector until there is improvement in school education.
“There will be no development until education sector becomes systematic. Teacher’s commitment, activeness and hard work is necessary for the school reforms. Teacher should focus their attention on it. Guardians should also pay attention on it”, he stressed. Chairperson of National Examinations Board, Dr Mahashram Sharma shared that there is a problem how to identify real guardians and fake guardians.
He underscored, “It should be identified that how much means and resources do schools have in local levels and how much the federal government will provide while making this act. An illiterate person can sit in the school management committee and give his/her opinion.
Real guardians should be participated in decision process of school management.” Educationist Prof Kedar Bhakta Mathema stressed that management committee should have ownership for school reform, stating that there should be unity among committee members.
There should be collaboration and trust among guardians, school and teacher for reform of the schools, added Prof Dr Peshal Khanal. Federation Chairperson Gunaraj Muktan laid emphasis that the bill should pay attention on meaningful participation of Guardians as meaningful participation of real guardians was mandatory for the improvement of school. #nepal