Mahottari, Jan 29: It was a moment of elation for Dulari Sada Musahar, 65, of Khayarmara Musahari Tol in Bardibas Municipality-10, who underwent a successful operation for cataract removal.
“Light has returned back in my life. You see, I can now see the world again,” said an exuberant Musahar after undergoing the operation.
Dulari’s happiness knows no bounds as the world, which has been dark for the last 10 years due to cataracts, will return to light with the current surgery. According to her, the doctors have said that her right eye also has to be operated on after some time.
Like Dulari, 70-year-old Ramchandar of the same settlement is exhilarated that he will get back his eyesight and would be able to see the ‘brighter world’ after the surgery to remove cataracts.
“You see, for the poor people like us, it is akin to seeing the god to have an opportunity of getting free eye treatment service like this. We Musahars rarely have this opportunity, and may God bless the one who arranged for this service,” said Ramchandar.
Musahars are a highly marginalized caste community in Madhes, which is lagging behind in health, education, social and economic opportunities.
Thanks to Improving Lives in Nepal, a philanthropic organisation, that has raised funds under the initiative of Bardibas Eye Hospital to restore the eyesight of people like Dulari and Ramchandar from very poor families.
Cataract removal surgeries were performed on 100 people at Bardibas Public Service Hospital on Monday and Tuesday, said Mukunda Prasad Paudel, who has been coordinating the free cataract treatment service in behalf Bardibas Eye Hospital.
“Members from very poor families, who are unable to afford eye treatment and surgery, have been selected this time.
Improving Lives in Nepal has been requested after cataract patients were found in very poor settlements during a survey of eye patients. More than 100 people have got eyesight as the organization has graciously accepted the request,” Paudel added.
According to Paudel, most of those who underwent surgery in the two-day camp are people from poor settlements in the remote Khayarmara, Churekachh area of Bardibas-10 and 11. Khayarmara is at a distance of 40 kilometres from Bardibas.
“Although we are the so called residents of Bardibas Municipality, we have to travel 40 kilometres to Bardibas Chowk for accessing medical services. Thankfully, this respected doctor recognized us and we got the opportunity to remove the cataract,” said Janaki Yadav, 70, from Bardibas-10.
Suraj Yadav, 75, of the same place is also hoping to see the world again after cataract surgery.
Cataract patients from Ramgopalpur, Jaleshwor and Manarashishwa areas of the district have also benefited from the camp.
“I had never imagined that my eyesight would be ever restored. The painful experience of blindness that I endured for 10 years is now gone,” said an elated 65-year-old Kamodhiya Devi Barahi of Ramgopalpur-4.
According to Bardibas Eye Hospital, arrangements were made for settlement selection in the first phase, eye examination in the second phase and surgery in the third phase as part of the two-day cataract treatment camp.
Improving Lives in Nepal has provided Rs 550,000 for all the three phases, said Paudel, the coordinator and resource person for the camp on behalf of the Bardibas Eye Hospital.
A seven-member team led by senior ophthalmologist Dr Arjun Shrestha carried out eye surgery at the camp.
According to Bardibas Eye Hospital, 55 men and 45 women were among the patients who underwent the cataract removal surgery in the two-day health camp. #eye #treatment #nepal #rss