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More than 65 houses gutted in fire in Sarlahi

Sarlahi, May 2: More than 65 houses have been gutted in an incident of fire that took place at Baraudhoran village located in Bishnu rural municipality-1 of Sarlahi.

Ward president Bikau Thakur said that more than 65 houses of the village were burnt when a gas cylinder exploded after a fire broke out in the house of local Shatrughan Raut this afternoon. The fire which started around 1:00 pm was extinguished after around four hours with the help of local residents, Nepal Police and Armed Police, supported by fire tenders.

Mayor Jawaharlal Yadav said that more than 100 houses were damaged after the fire in Baraudhoran village. He said food stock, clothes and many livestock were burnt, though the details of the damage are yet to be collected.

Chief of Police of Sarlahi Superintendent of Police Hariharnath Yogi shared that the fire has been brought under control and the work of collecting details of the damage is currently underway.

In recent days, terai region have come under continuous incidents of fire and damages. Recently, a fire broke out in Matihani of Mahottari where more than 100 houses gutted, and the victims have been staying in open sky.

Likewse, another huge fire swept more than 150 houses in Chimti of Mahadeva of Saptari district. The victims have been waiting for relief and rehabilitation there as well.

Several fire incidents have occured in the Madhes Province in recent days due mainly because of excessive heat and heat wave, and the victims have been waiting supports from local bodies, provincial government and federal government.