•      Sat Mar 15 2025

Need of an integrated commission highlighted for inclusion promotion

Parliament committee meeting at Singhdurbar. (File photo)

KATHMANDU : Lawmakers have pressed an idea for having a sole and powerful Constitutional Commission to promote the gender equality and social inclusion issues.

They have proposed to establish a single powerful commission to work in the area of social inclusion with effectiveness.
Taking part in a discussion programme organised by the Women and Social Committee, House of Representatives, they were of the view of establishing a powerful commission with the representations of all instead of having a separate commission representing distinct class and community, geography or regions.

The meeting focused on the review of report of the National Inclusion Commission for the fiscal year 2077-78 BS (2021/22) and discussing implementation strategy in regard with programmes endorsed for the current fiscal year.

Nanda Lal Roka Chhetri said just the establishment of the Commission would not suffice to meet the goals in the target sector. It requires sufficient budget and government facilitation to deliver the results. Her argument was that a single commission with the representation of all castes and community should be established to deal with the gender equality and social inclusion issues.

Kumari Meche proposed to establish a powerful commission by integrating all seven commissions while Shiv Kumar Mandal stressed on the need of socio-economic and cultural lives of all caste and communities in the nation.
Laxmi Pariyar said the National Inclusion Commission failed to be inclusive itself while Narayan Prasad Khatiwada also echoed the need of a powerful commission.

Inclusion Commission chair Dr Ram Krishna Timalsena said the Commission has incorporated policy-level recommendations in the report after studying 11 working areas within its jurisdictions including the Khas Arya community, Pichhada Barga (backward communities), persons with disabilities, senior citizens, workers and peasants.

It may be noted that NIC functions as separate constitutional commission for the protection of the rights of Khas Arya, backward classes, people with disabilities, senior citizens, workers, peasants, minorities, and marginalized communities, the people of and Karnali and economically disadvantaged communities in accordance with the Article 258 of the Constitution.

There are other six constitutional commissions National Women Commission, National Dalit Commission, National Aborigines Commission, Madhesi Commission, Tharu Commission and the Muslim Commission guaranteed by the Constitution (Part -27) for the protection of the rights of the given classes and communities.