•      Tue Mar 11 2025

Nepal expresses serious concerns on recent developments in West Asia

            Kathmandu: The Government of Nepal has expressed its serious concerns on recent developments in the West Asian region. 

            Issuing a press statement today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said: “The region hosts a large number of Nepali migrant workers and therefore security and safety of our people in the region becomes a matter of utmost priority for Nepal.

We call upon all sides to exercise restraint from taking measures and actions that contribute to the escalation of tension and endanger peace and stability in the region.”

            The MoFA has said that it has been a principled position of Nepal that all disputes and differences must be resolved through peaceful means.

Inter-agency coordination committee formed to study West Asia Region development 

            A decision has been made to form an Inter- agency Coordination Committee to watch and study the recent developments in the West Asian Region.

            The committee will study and be in close contact with migrant workers and other Nepali people living in the region.

            A meeting held under the chair of Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali at the MoFA today, decided to form the committee comprising different stakeholder bodies on the issues. 

            The committee is formed under the chair of Central Asia, West Asia and Africa Division chiefs at the MOFA.  The committee comprises high ranking officials from the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the representatives from Nepal Army.