•      Mon Mar 10 2025

New elephant calf born in CNP

An elephant has given birth to a calf at Lamichaur of Amaltari sector in the Chitwan National Park (CNP).
Conservation officials confirmed that elephant named Chitwankali gave birth to a male calf. With this, four calves were born in the past one month in the CNP.
The conversation officials have said they are elated from the newborn adding that the elephant was sent to Lamichaur area two months ago from the Sauraha-based Elephant Breeding and Training Centre for her failure to conceive. An elephant gives birth to her baby in 22 to 24 months.
Chief of the Centre, Man Puran Chaudhari, said the calf borne to Tirthamankali on February 2 is named Ramsarkali and the one borne to Himalikali on February 12 is named Bhadragunj.
However, one borne to Dambarkali on March 1 is yet to be named.
Chaudhary shared that Loktantrakali and Aishwaryakali are also expected to give birth to their babies in coming three to four months.
The female elephants are conceived at the Centre from the wild elephants, according to the officials.
Chaudhary said that the new calves are assumed to have borne from Ronaldo as he spent most of the time at the Centre. However, Dhrube and Govinde also had had also visited there time to time.
Currently, there are 58 elephants in the CNP and of them six belong to the Koshitappu National Park.
Likewise, 24 elephants including 13 calves are at the Centre. Elephants are also used for the security of the national park and they get mobilised even to take under control different wild animals including tiger, rhino and others.