•      Sat Mar 15 2025

No compromise on democracy: PM Oli

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            Kathmandu, Oct 13 : Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has expressed commitment that the government would not make any compromise on the norms and values of democracy, saying there is deep cooperation and friendship among major political parties since long.

            At a tea reception and greetings exchange programme organised by the Nepali Congress on the occasion of Kojagrat Purnima here on Sunday, Prime Minister Oli said that the meetings held during festivals like Dashain would help end bitterness among families and relatives as well as political parties.

            He said, “I and Sher Bahadur Deuba are friends since 45 years. We were in jail and fought for democracy together. Similarly, other NC leaders including Ram Chandra Poudel are also my friends since that time.”

            Prime Minister Oli there was common commitment among major political parties to fight together for democracy and not to make any compromise on the basic norms and values of democracy.

            Saying culture and festivals like Dashain would help strengthen mutual relation in the society, he said continuity should be given to such traditions.

            The NC has been hosting tea reception on Kojagrat Purnima, the final day of Dashain festival, every year since 2035 after its founder leaders late BP Koirala and Ganesh Man Singh returned from India with the policy of national reconciliation.