KATHMANDU: Nepal Oil Corporation has increased the price of petroleum products, to be effective from this mid-night.
According to NOC, the price of petrol, diesel and kerosene has increased by Rs 2 per litre. With this, the price of per litre of petrol has reached Rs 130. Similarly, diesel and kerosene would be traded at Rs 113 per litre.
Similarly, price of LP gas has also gone up by Rs 25 per cylinder. With this, the price of LP gas has reached Rs 1,450 per cylinder.
Aviation fuel for domestic consumption has increased by Rs 2 per litre and reached Rs 86 while aviation fuel towards international has been fixed at 770 US dollar per kilo litre by increasing 16 US dollar per kilo litre.
The NOC added that it is still bearing Rs 8.42 per loss in per litre of petrol while Rs 2.64 in diesel and Rs 420.75 in per cylinder of LPG even after increasing the price. There is Rs 190 million loss in petrol, Rs 196 million in diesel and Rs 622.2 million in LP gas, shared NOC.
NOC Spokesperson, Binitmani Upadhyay, said that the NOC increased the price of petroleum products after seeing a loss of Rs 1.15 billion in recent 15 days to the NOC as per the recent price list received from the Indian Oil Corporation.