•      Fri Mar 14 2025

Petrostates Must Take the Lead on Climate Finance

climate crisis

Ban Ki-moon, Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, and Laura Chinchilla Miranda

LONDON, NOV 29 (PS) – If the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai is to be judged a success, it will have to bring an urgently needed breakthrough on climate finance. Sultan Al Jaber of the United Arab Emirates, the president of this year’s COP, and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, whose country will assume the G20 presidency in December, must work in tandem to establish a facility that would provide the Global South with at least $1 trillion annually to invest in development and climate-change mitigation and adaptation.

Al Jaber has already recognized the importance of fixing climate finance, which he listed as one of the four pillars of COP28. Moreover, in August, he expressed support for reforming international financial institutions, as “all forms of finance must be more available, more accessible, and more affordable,” and called on donor countries with overdue pledges to “show me the money.”

As CEO of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, Al Jaber has a unique opportunity to ensure that the UAE, other Gulf states, and Norway – all beneficiaries of high energy prices – lead the way in bridging the climate financing gap faced by low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Not only are these poorer countries transferring billions of dollars to oil-producing states, which has contributed to the recent rise in extreme poverty; they also suffer significantly from air pollutioncaused by burning fossil fuels.

Specifically, the president of COP28 must present a proposal to recycle a fraction of these petrostates’ record-high oil and gas revenues to a facility aimed at accelerating the green transition in the Global South. Given the failure of rich countries to meet their long-standing pledge of channeling $100 billion per year to developing countries for climate mitigation and adaptation, now is the time for action.

According to Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, petroleum revenues soared to $4 trillion in 2022, compared to an average of $1.5 trillion in recent years. This is 20 times the foreign aid from official donors in 2022, more than 30 times the combined budget of all multilateral development banks (MDBs), and 40 times the $100 billion per year that rich countries promised (but have yet to deliver) back in 2009.

Some private oil companies have already paid extra taxes on their windfall profits. But, given that state-owned companies control most of the world’s oil production, petrostates have been the biggest beneficiaries by far. Last year, OPEC countries alone earned $888 billion in hydrocarbon-export earnings, compared to $576 billion in 2021.

The UAE’s own energy-export earnings rose from $76 billion in 2021 to $119 billion in 2022. Qatar’s increased from $87 billion to $132 billion, and Kuwait’s jumped from $63 billion to $98 billion. Perhaps the two biggest winners were Norway, where energy-export earnings swelled from roughly $87 billion to $174 billion, and Saudi Arabia, where earnings surged from $191 billion to a whopping $311 billion. A voluntary levy of $25 billion, which represents 1% of last year’s windfall oil and gas revenues and only 3% of the major petrostates’ export earnings, could kickstart a program of investment in the Global South.

The principle of fair burden-sharing is simple: countries and sectors that have historically contributed the most to greenhouse-gas emissions and boast the highest per capita incomes should bear more of the costs for global climate action. While the proposed levy is an important part of this model, it must be complemented by multibillion-dollar guarantees from historic and current emitters who also have a responsibility to pay their fair share.

MDBs could leverage such guarantees four times over to create new resources that would help LMICs address both development challenges and global warming. A slew of reports by international bodies have endorsed such an approach. Most notably, three recent reports to the G20, including those by economist N.K. Singh and former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers, advocated the strategic use of guarantees.

To mobilize the $1 trillion in annual investment required to help the Global South shift to clean energy, it will be crucial to implement the Singh-Summers proposal, which calls for tripling the World Bank’s annual spending to $390 billion. It will also be necessary to pursue Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley’s ambitious Bridgetown Initiative, which proposes channeling $100 billion in unused special drawing rights (the International Monetary Fund’s reserve asset) to developing countries.

These interventions align with the recommendations in the “Breakthrough for People and Planet” report by the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, which recognizes the importance of increasing financing from all sources: national, global, public, and private.

To support this endeavor, Lula should offer to convene a joint online session with the G20 and OPEC where petrostates and historic emitters can agree on this new funding arrangement and commit to contributions based on their capacity to pay. Such an outcome would augur well for the negotiations at COP28 and unlock progress on global climate goals.

This commentary is co-signed by:

Ban Ki-Moon – Secretary-General of the United Nations (2007-16)*

Vaira Vike-Freiberga – Co-Chair NGIC, President of Latvia (1999-2007)**

Laura Chinchilla Miranda – President of Costa Rica (2010-14) and Vice President of Club de Madrid*

Alfred Gusenbauer – Chancellor of Austria (2007-08)*

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim – President of Mauritius (2015-17)

Aminata Touré – Prime Minister of Senegal (2013-14)*

Amre Moussa – Secretary-General Arab League (2001-11)**

Ana Birchall – Deputy Prime Minister of Romania (2018-19)**

Bai Chong-En – Chair in Economics and Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University

Beatrice Weder di Mauro – Professor of International Economics at IHEID

Bengt Holmstrom – Emeritus Professor of Economics at MIT

Bojidar Djelic – Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia (2007-11)

Boris Tadic – President of Serbia (2004-12)**

Borut Pahor – President of Slovenia (2012-22)**

Caasam Uteem – President of Mauritius (1992-2002)*

Kim Campbell – Prime Minister of Canada (1992)

Carlos Alvarado Quesada – President of Costa Rica (2018-22)*

Chandrika Kumaratunga – President of Sri Lanka (1994-2005)*

Chiril Gaburici – Prime Minister of Moldova (2014-15)**

Chris Pissarides – Professor of Economics and Political Science at LSE

Colin Mayer – Professor of Management Studies at the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford

Cristina Manzano – External Relations Director of SEGIB, Representative of Constituent Foundation FRIDE

Csaba Korossi – President of the 77th UN General Assembly**

Dalia Grybauskaitė – President of Lithuania (2009-19)*

Devi Sridhar – Professor of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh

Djoomart Otorbaev – Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan (2014-15)**

Egils Levits – President of Latvia (2019-23)**

Elbegdorj Tsakhia – President of Mongolia (2009-17)*

Emil Constantinescu – President of Romania (1996-2000)**

Erik Berglof – Professor of Economics at LSE, Chief Economist of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Ernesto Zedillo – President of Mexico (1994-2000)*

Felipe Calderon – President of Mexico (2006-12)*

Filip Vujanovic – President of Montenegro (2003-18)**

Francisco Sagasti – President of Peru (2020-21)*

George Papandreou – Prime Minister of Greece (2009-11)*

Gordon Brown – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2007-10)***

Helen Clark – Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999-08)*

Helene Rey – Lord Bagri Professor of Economics at the London Business School

Hikmet Cetin – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey (1991-94), Speaker of Parliament (1997-99), Deputy Prime Minister 1995

Igor Luksic – Prime Minister of Montenegro (2010-12)**

Ismail Serageldin – Co-Chair of NGIC, Vice President of the World Bank (1992-2000)**

Iveta Radičová – Prime Minister of Slovakia (2010-12)*

Ivo Josipovic – President of Croatia (2010-15)***

James Michel – President of the Seychelles (2004-16)*

Jan Fisher – Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2009-10)**

Jan Peter Balkenende – Prime Minister of the Netherlands (2002-10)*

Jigmi Yoser Thinley – Prime Minister of Bhutan (2008-13)*

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero – President of the Government of Spain (2004-11)*

José Manuel Romero – Vice President of FRIDE*

Joseph Muscat – Prime Minister of Malta (2013-20)**

Joyce Banda – President of Malawi (2012-14)*

Juan Somavía – Ninth Director of the International Labour Organization (1999-2012)*

Justin Lin – Professor of Economics Peking University

Kaushik Basu – Professor of Economics at Cornell University

Kerry Kennedy – President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights**

Laimdota Straujuma – Prime Minister of Latvia (2014-16)**

Leif Pagrotsky – Minister for Trade and Industry of Sweden (1996-2006)*

Maria Fernanda Espinosa – President of the UN 73rd General Assembly**

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca – President of Malta (2014-19)***

Mats Karlsson – World Bank Vice President of External Affairs and United Nations Affairs***

Michelle Bachelet – President of Chile (2006-10; 2014-18)*

Milica Pejanovic – Minister of Defense of Montenegro (2012-16)

Mirko Cvetkovic – Prime Minister of Serbia (2008-12)**

Mladen Ivanic – President of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-18)**

Moussa Mara – Prime Minister of Mali 2014-2015**

Nora Lustig – Professor of Latin American Economics at Tulane University

Oscar Arias – President of Costa Rica (1986-90; 2006-10)*

Ouided Bouchamaoui – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2015)**

Petar Stoyanov – President of Bulgaria (1997-2002)**

Peter Medgyessy – Prime Minister of Hungary 2002-04)**

Petre Roman – Prime Minister of Romania (1989-1991)*

Rexhep Meidani – President of Albania 1997-2002***

Rosen Plevneliev – President of Bulgaria 2012-2017**

Shaukat Aziz – Prime Minister of Pakistan 2004-2007**

Stefan Löfven – Prime Minister of Sweden (2014-21)*

Stjepan Mesic – President of Croatia (2000-10)**

T. Anthony Jones – Vice President and Executive Director of GFNA*

Tarja Halonen – President of Finland (2000-12)**

Valdis Zatlers – President of Latvia (2007-11)**

Volkan Bozkir – President of the 75th UN General Assembly**

Vuke Jeremic – President of the 67th UN General Assembly**

Walter Fust – Director-General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (1993-08)**

Wendy Carlin – Professor of Economics at UCL

Yves Leterme – Prime Minister of Belgium (2008; 2009-11)*

Zlatko Lagumdzija – Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-02), Deputy Prime Minister (1993-96, 2012-15)

*member of Club de Madrid

**member of Nizami Ganjavi International Center

Ban Ki-moon, Deputy Chair of The Elders, is a former secretary-general of the United Nations and South Korean foreign minister. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, a former president of Latvia (1999-2007), is Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center in Baku. Laura Chinchilla Miranda, a former president of Costa Rica (2010-14), is Vice President of Club de Madrid.

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2023.