•      Fri Mar 14 2025

Plasma therapy useful, saves nine lives in Banke

Nepalgunj: After the introduction of plasma therapy in Banke district, it has saved the lives of nine critically ill people, so far.

According to the District COVID-19 Crisis Management Centre, Banke, plasma therapy at Bheri Hospital and Nepalgunj Medical College Teaching Hospital, Kohalpur, has saved the lives of nine critically infected people.

Naresh Shrestha, liaison officer of corona and health officer of Banke, said that so far 25 critically infected people had been treated with plasma therapy and nine lives had been saved.

He said that some of the plasma-infected people had been brought to hospital in critical condition and might not have been saved.

According to Shrestha, 17 critically infected people have been treated with plasma therapy at Bheri Hospital and eight at Nepalgunj Medical College.

According to the District COVID-19 Crisis Management Center, it has been decided to take plasma only after checking the antibodies as per the doctor’s advice.

Chief district officer of Banke Ram Bahadur Kurumbang said that the decision to apply plasma therapy only after checking the antibodies was taken to make the treatment effective as per the advice of doctors.

He expressed confidence that the therapy would work 100 per cent if the plasma was taken after the antibody test.

It costs Rs. 1,500 to test a person for antibodies and infected person has to bear the cost, which will add to the financial burden on the infected person.

For this reason, the infected persons and their relatives are demanding free antibody test. (The Rising Nepal)