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President Bhandari confers Natikaji Samman on singer Bhattacharya

kathmandu : President Bidya Devi Bhandari has conferred the ‘Natikaji Rastriya Bisistha Shrastha Samman’ for 2077 BS year on singer Nupur Banerjee Bhattacharya.

At a programme organized at the Office of the President-Shital Niwas- today by Natikaji Smriti Samaj, President Bhandari decorated various artistes, social workers and journalists with awards under various categories.

Natikaji Rastriya Bisesh Sangit Samman-2077 BS was conferred on Narayandas Karki Dhali, Pradeep Upadhyay, Umesh Pandey, SP Koirala, Kunti Moktan, Raj Kumar Shrestha, BB Thapa, Sahadev Dungana, Prabhu Dhakal, Shila Panta, Sitaram Pokharel, Gyanendra Gadal. Haribhakta Budhathoki and Shital Kadambini.

Similarly, Arun Tiwari, Nisha Deshar and Shiva Pariyar were honoured with Natikaji Rastriya Sangit Puraskar-2077 BS. Likewise, DP Dahal, Arjun Pokharel, Sindhu Malla and Ajar Jangum were awarded Natikaji Rastriya Pratibha Puraskar-2077 BS.

Alice Karki Dhali received Natikaji Rastriya Sangeet Sanyojan tatha Badhya Puraskar while journalist duo Bijayratna Tuladhar and Diwakar Mainali got Natikaji Rastriya Kala Patrakarita Puraskar.

Natikaji Rastriya Shastriya Sangeet Puraskar-2077 BS was given to Amrit Hera Tuladhar Yogi and Natikaji Rastriya Lok Sangeet Puraskar to Krishna Kandel.

On the occasion, President Bhandari said that Natikaji’s creations, imbued with sense of nation, nationality and patriotism, would remain as a great heritage of the country. Calling for collective efforts from one and all for conservation and promotion of Nepali unique heritages, the Head of the State asserted that the Natikaji Smriti Samaj had honoured artistes and encouraged new talents.

Also, speaking at the event, Samaj’s chairperson Shambhujeet Baskota remembered Natikaji Shrestha as a person who was involved in music creation from his childhood to the last phase of his life.

The decorated artistes, social workers and journalists univocally admitted that the honour had made them more responsible. The award and honours are instituted in the memory of late musician Natikaji Shrestha. RSS