President Bidya Devi Bhandari received Bada Dashain ‘tika’ from priests Devraj Aryal and Khem Chandra Dhakal at the auspicious hour, 11:51 am, today at the Office of President in Sheetal Niwas.
Following this, she offered ‘tika’ and ‘prasad’ to her family members and distinguished persons.
According to the Dashain schedule prepared by the Office of President, the President is scheduled to offer Tika to chiefs of the legislature, executive and judiciary, ministers, chiefs of provinces, justices, lawmakers, office bearers of constitutional bodies and other distinguished persons between 2 pm and 3 pm, and general people between 3 pm and 5 pm.
The Office of President has urged people to be present in decent attires to receive Tika from the President on the main day of Dashain festival, according to Sagar Acharya, Spokesperson for the Office of President. RSS