Biratnagar, Oct 1 : The First Periodic Plan of State 1 has been unveiled here today. The periodic plan has made the slogan, ‘Clean, Happy and Prosperous Province’, as its long term vision to achieve the national goal – ‘Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali.’

Chief Minister of State 1 government Sherdhan Rai released the periodic plan. On the occasion, Chief Minister Rai said the periodic plan has prepared an important base for achieving the goals of development and prosperity.
He believed that the plan prepared by the Province Planning Commission by identifying the opportunities and challenges will support to implementing the short term and long-term plans. Chief Minister Rai also directed the chiefs of the ministries under his office to carry out works remaining within the ‘framework’ of the periodic plan. He added that the plan would also contribute to prevent the budget from being scattered.
The periodic plan with the broader goal of making the State prosperous with social justice has the objective of increasing the opportunities for income and decent employment by ramping up investment in productive sector, of developing advanced human resources and preparing the basis for equitable society through qualitative improvement in the education, health and social security and of qualitative physical infrastructure development.
The periodic plan has determined the important thematic goals related to forest, environment, watershed and bio-diversity conservation, to promoting good governance, development of youth talent and entrepreneurship, and to creating opportunities for self-employment.
It has also emphasized on increasing the production and productivity of the agriculture and non-agriculture sector, on building a just society with gender equality and inclusive development, on expansion of access to basic services and facilities like education and health and on the development of infrastructures of strategic significance like transport, electricity, irrigation etc.
Likewise, the periodic plan has determined eight important strategic path as development and conservation of forest, environment and biodiversity; enhancement of climate change adaptation and effective disaster management; structural and institutional strengthening of federalism; promotion of good governance, and increasing the involvement of youth in the social and economic sectors through youth capacity development and mobilization.
The periodic plan has projected that an investment of Rs 1 trillion 442 billion and 80 million during the plan period. Of this amount, the State 1 government will invest Rs 5 trillion 570 million and the private sector will invest Rs 7 billion 653 million while the cooperative sector will put in Rs 79.30 billion. Th community sector would invest Rs 28.46 billion.
Vice-chairman of the Province Planning Commission, Subodh Raj Pyakurel said the periodic plan will contribute to institutionalize the province’s rights enshrined by the constitution.
He described the plan as the integrated plan for the State’s development and act as a guideline for the State government to implement the development programmes.
It also provides a basis for collaboration among the stakeholder donor agencies, non-governmental organizations and the State government in the development.