•      Mon Feb 24 2025

Double Standard Policy of the US on Human Rights Annoy the Global Community

Particularly after WWII, the US approach toward the human rights issue has made the global citizens clear that the US can’t be a leader to promote the basic norms of human rights in the world. The US’s own history also shows that the US administration is systematically violating the human rights of its own citizens and also disturbing the rights of foreign people through various interferences.

Though the global people are now clear about the real intention of the US human rights approach, the US administration is still showing the finger to other powers to appease its parochial interests. In this article, the author will discuss the double standard human rights policy of the US and the ground reality of the global scenario.

Even if we see the American human rights violations after WWII, there are many examples. There is a common understanding among the global community that America do everything to fulfill its national interest, no matter whether these things are good or bad for the rest of the world. In the agenda of containing communism in South Asian countries, US intervened in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Korean Peninsula. The US had violated international laws and disturbed the internal affairs of the majority of Latin American countries making the worst records of human rights violations. Analyst says that the US is the major factor for instability, crime, and insecurity in Latin America and neighboring countries of the US.

A draft resolution on Xinjiang led by the US was voted on by the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) last week during its 51st session. The outcome demonstrates that the draft was opposed by the majority of HRC members, particularly developing nations, and was not adopted. In the council’s sixteen-year history, a draft decision has only been discarded once before. Nearly all public opinions agrees that this is a “serious setback” for Western nations. The conclusion was even described as a loss to the “West’s moral authority” by certain Western public opinion. This surely ruffled several organizations’ and people’s delicate feathers in the West and the US.

Western nations, notably the US, the UK, and Canada, submitted the text in an effort to have a discussion on the “Xinjiang human rights situation” during its upcoming session in March. In order to prevent the scenario in which many other countries reject their plan, many Western media outlets stated in their stories that the draft “lowered the tone” and “called only for starting a debate.”

A draft resolution on Xinjiang that the UN Human Rights Council rejected was described as having a serious aim of taking advantage of UN human rights bodies to interfere in China’s internal affairs and utilize Xinjiang-related concerns to appease their parochial interest.

The United States and some other nations “had invented and circulated various lies and rumors, turning a blind eye to these facts and truth, in an attempt to malign China, undermine Xinjiang’s stability, and hinder China’s development,” one Chinese analyst said.

However, this reveals the true intent of this proposal, which is to persistently drum up a “crisis” that doesn’t exist in order to prove their proposal.

Western media have expressed their dissatisfaction with this outcome, since they were previously too “assured.” They have disregarded the fact that the majority of the HRC members are not manipulable pawns. At the HRC conference, Chen Xu, who represents China’s Permanent Mission to the UN Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, remarked that “Today’s goal is China. Tomorrow, any other developing nation could be the target.” The international media has frequently cited this statement, and we think it perfectly captures what the delegations from numerous nations at the meeting were envisioning.

Human rights issues have been instrumentalized and politicized by the US and the West. They’ve been sitting in the judge’s chair for a while now, and they’ve made a serious effort to steer public opinion away from the courtroom. They invent a crime at random, and the great majority of underdeveloped nations will be required to demonstrate their innocence, which is exceedingly challenging. It must be made clear that Western nations lack the authority to subject other nations to such a “trial.” One of the main drivers for developing nations to communicate with one another, empathize with one another, and band together in the international community to combat the negative winds is the desire to put an end to this humiliating cycle. Washington is systematically and intentionally working to encircle China to make it weak globally. But the international community is very aware of it.

The heinous crime of the US in violating human rights will never be forgotten by the global community. US intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and many Middle East Asian and Latin African countries shows that the world can’t trust the US as a responsible actor in the global community.

One Iraqi journalist shared his view without mentioning his name that the real report of the US human rights violations in Iraq is hugely catastrophic, and it will time decades to normalize society toward a peaceful path. Still in the name of democracy and human rights, the US is searching new-new areas to instigate conflict in the world.

The Human Rights Council’s session, which began on September 12, had gone for about a month to discuss multiple issues. It was intended to be an excellent chance for nations to get together and talk about how to work together on pressing human rights issues. The so-called draft decision on Xinjiang-related issues by the US and the West was thwarted, and it has once again demonstrated that, no matter how hard they try, the trick of smearing others and playing with the presumption of guilt is destined to draw few audiences because the world’s audiences are tired of these gimmicks. The US-led western block should know that their malign game in the name of human rights to humiliate others will not be fulfilled in the future, too.