Lalitpur, Jan 14: The Department of Agriculture is to observe the Third National Agriculture Biodiversity Day under the theme ‘Agriculture Biodiversity for Healthy Life and Environment’ for a week from today.
Various events would be organized to mark the Day. The Department of Agriculture started celebrating Magh 1 as the National Agriculture Biodiversity Day every year following the cabinet meeting held on September 12, 2022.
Director General of the Department, Prakash Kumar Sanjel, said the Day is expected to help protect the agro-products, food items and skills related to various religious and cultural traditions of different nationalities of the country.
Similarly, the different programmes to be organized for a week to observe the Day would also help in conservation and sustainable use of local agricultural genetic resources and environment protection, he mentioned.
Public awareness programme about the importance of agriculture biodiversity and its conservation would be organized.
Sanjel added that the main objective of the Day is to mainstreaming agriculture biodiversity in development, policy and programme of the three tiers of government, development and adaptation process of appropriate rule and method for conservation and utilization of agriculture biodiversity in a sustainable manner.
Bodies under seven provinces as well as bodies concerned of all local levels including agriculture groups are asked to mark the Day.
According to the Director General Sanjel, various programmes are being organized on a week-long basis to raise public awareness and to create an environment conducive for healthy living by preserving agro-genetic resources, agricultural crops and related wild species, grass crops, livestock, fisheries and aquatic genetic resources, insects and micro-organisms of agricultural importance, and traditional knowledge of farmers based on biological diversity.
The Department of Agriculture has called upon the concerned bodies, including farmers’ groups at all the local levels, to celebrate the Day. #biodiversity #nepal #botanical