•      Sun Mar 16 2025

Two arrested for allegedly involved in microbus vandalism

Kathmandu, Sept 30 : Nepal Police have arrested two persons on the charge of their involvement in microbus vandalism in Kathmandu on Sunday night.

The arrestees are Nishan Jung Thapa of Gorkha and Himal Khadka of Udayapur.

A team from Metropolitan Police Circle, New Baneshwor arrested them for vandalizing the microbus (Ba 4 Kha 2056) being parked at Kathmandu Metropolitan City-31, Shankhamul.

According to the Police Headquarters, Thapa and Khadka vandalized the microbus after consuming alcohol. Windowpanes on the right side of the microbus were smashed in the incident.

Further investigation into the case was underway, said police.