•      Tue Mar 4 2025

Two children die in landslide

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DHARAN: Two children have died in Dharan when their house was buried in landslide triggered by incessant rainfall since Monday.

The deceased have been identified as eight-year-old Nisu Rai, and four-year-old Nihan Rai, children of Nissan Rai of Nageshwor Marg, Dharan Sub-Metropolis-13, according to the Area Police Office, Dharan.

The one-storey house with a tin roof of Nissan Rai was buried when the landslide fell on the house at 1:45 pm this afternoon.

A police team from the Area Police Office Dharan rushed to the spot immediately after receiving information about the incident.

Police recovered the bodies of two children from the buried house some two hours later.