CHITWAN: Chairperson of CPN UML KP Sharma Oli has called for concluding the 10th National Congress of the party in consensus. He called the party rank and file to abide by discipline and unity to face the present challenges and fulfill the dream of prosperous Nepal.
Addressing the closed session of the ongoing 10th National Congress of the party at Sauraha, Chitwan on Saturday, he said, “UML is in the opposition not because of people’s votes. But, we have challenges. We defended resolutely against the efforts to destabilize democratic values and constitutional boundaries. We must intervene to take a lead in national affairs. This general convention must be made exemplary to the world.”
In the address continued for some three hours, Chairperson Oli reminded the leaders that party had formulated necessary policy, thoughts and norms. “As the party is cornered and some political leaders played foul to split the party, the cadres defended and defeated them. Now, I’m sure the encouraged cadres of UML will move ahead in a secure manner. We’re people’s children.”
According to him, country got peace and made efforts to eliminate poverty. The UML, as he argued, was ready to face the current global problem and wage struggle for national interest. UML is capable to foil the ill efforts to defame leftist movement in Nepal. The 10th National Congress is the solid response to those who spread falsity that Chair Oli spoilt the party. UML is the precursor of social and political movements with clear thoughts and vision, he asserted.
He blamed that the rightist opportunists and those enjoying organizational anarchy were trying to break the leftist unity and alliance.
After Chairperson Oli’s address, an 11-member team was formed to conduct the closed session. With this, the current central working committee of the party got dissolved.
It has been learnt that all posts in the new committee of the party would be secured with consensus.
Meanwhile, the close session of the party has authorised Chairman Oli to choose all the party officials and central committee members. The Chairman Oli will now choose party’s Senior Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretaries and central committee members.
However, leader Bhim Rawal has opposed the decision of the closed session, and vowed to contest for the Chairman of the party.