•      Mon Mar 17 2025

US representatives meet with Finance Minister

Minister of Finance Dr Yuba Raj Khatiwada with visiting US Representatives. (photo: MoF)

Kathmandu: Visiting members of the U.S. House of Representatives George Holding and Ami Bera on Thursday jointly called on Finance Minister Dr Yuba Raj Khatiwada in Kathmandu.

During the meeting, Finance Minister Khatiwada thanked the US for its continuous support in Nepal’s sectors like education, health and agriculture.

Affirming that there was no doubt about Nepal needing grants under the US Millennium Challenge Corporation, he assured that MCC would get passed from the federal parliament of Nepal.

Informing of Nepal’s development priorities, economic situation and efforts underway to create environment conducive for investment, he said Nepal has been an appropriate destination for investment.

He also thanked the US for encouraging participation of US’s private sector in the Investment Summit held in Nepal last year. In response, the leader duo showed their interest in Nepal’s economy, role of private sector and priority areas put forward by the Government of Nepal and viewed that Nepal’s development had a positive message on the US’s private sector.