•      Tue Oct 8 2024

Vehicular movement restricted at Jumanaha checkpoint

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            Nepalgunj: Vehicular movement has been completely restricted at Jumanaha checkpoint along Nepal-India border in Banke since Wednesday to avoid possible spread of COVID-19.

            The security personnel from both the countries have completely controlled the operation of heavy vehicles to cycles entering to Nepal and India via the checkpoint.

            Though vehicular operation has been brought to a complete halt, the movement on foot has remained as it was, shared Banke Chief District Officer Kumar Bahadur Khadka.

            There is a big number of Nepali people who wish to return home country from India.

            Workers and other citizens bound to come to industries of Nepalgunj have also been compelled to travel on foot.

            Earlier, there was a strong voice calling for shutdown of Jamunaha checkpoint considering high chance of coronavirus transmission to Nepal from India.

            A meeting of the security officials of Nepal and India here had decided to ban the operation of vehicular movement from Wednesday.

            Likewise, the health workers have been mobilized to compulsorily get every entrant examined their health. The health workers have set up tent to screen health of the people passing through the checkpoint.

            The trade and industry sector here has been completely affected with the fear of possible outbreak of coronavirus. —