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World Happiness Report puts Nepal in 93rd ranking

Kathmandu, March 21: The World Happiness Report 2024 released on Wednesday has put Nepal in the 93rd rank out of 143 countries included in the list.

Finland has scored the highest with the first rank in the list for the seven consecutive years.

“The top 10 countries have remained much the same since before COVID.

Finland is still in top, with Denmark now very close, and all five Nordic countries in the top 10.

But in the next 10, there is more changes, with the transition countries of Eastern Europe rising in happiness (especially Chechnya, Lithuania and Slovenia). Partly for this reason the United States and Germany have fallen to 23 and 24 in the rankings,” according to the report prepared in partnership of Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

The report stated that life satisfaction drops gradually from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood in most countries. Globally, young people aged 15-24 still report higher life satisfaction than older adults.

“But this gap is narrowing in Western Europe and recently reversed in North America due to falling life satisfaction among the young. Conversely, in Sub-Saharan Africa life satisfaction has increased among the young.”

Overall, globally, young people aged 15-24 experienced improved life-satisfaction between 2006 and 2019, and stable life satisfaction since then. #nepal