Kathmandu: A writ petition has been filed at Supreme Court demanding the cancellation of parliament secretariat’s letter which has mentioned the impeachment motion against Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher was rendered ineffective.
Chairperson of Supreme Court Bar, Purna Man Shakya, vice chair Mukunda Prasad Poudel, secretary Rishiram Ghimire, treasurer Binod Kumar Karki, members Bikash Bhattarai, Anant Raj Luitel, Dip Narayan Saha, Amita Gautam and Rahari Tripathi filed the writ petition.
They argued in the petition that CJ Rana was suspended with the impeachment motion, being accused of corruption, incompetence and bad demeanor, but writing a letter on the impeachment motion rendered ineffective by General Secretary of parliament secretary would not make the impeachment void.
The impeachment recommendation committee had submitted its investigation report to the Speaker on September 17.
As the Speaker had directed General Secretary of parliament secretariat to inform the House of Representatives and submit it there, his (General Secretary) letter at present was illegal.
The SC has been demanded to scrap General Secretary’s letter that rendered the impeachment motion void.
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