Mahottari, April 24: More than 92 houses have been gutted in a fire that took place in Jarlahawahatta of Matihani municipality.
The fire started this afternoon and efforts are being made to put out the fire that broke out this afternoon, District Police Office spokesman and Deputy Superintendent of Police Santulal Prasad Jaiswar said. Six fire engines from Mahottari, three from Dhanusha and one from neighbouring India have been used to extinguish the fire.
A large number of Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepali Army and local residents have been deployed to put out the fire. More than 150 houses have suffered damage in the fire.
Fire in Matihani under control after 6 hours
The fire that broke out this afternoon in Jarlahawahatta of Matihani municipality has been put out after six hours.
The fire broke out at around 2:00 pm and quickly spread with the help of strong winds that were blowing. The fire has now been completely brought under control and around 100 houses have been gutted, said Chief District Officer and Chair of the District Natural Disaster Rescue Committee, Shivram Gelal.
However, the details of the loss incurred in the incident will be known only by Thursday, he said.
Meanhwile, the Nepal Red Cross Society Mahottari has provided tent and other relief materials to the families of the victims of Matihani fire.
In the fire, five goats and two pigs also perished. A total of 10 fire engines were used to extinguish the fire that engulfed an entire human settlement.
Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepali Army personnel as well as security personnel from neighbouring India worked to put out the fire.