•      Mon Mar 3 2025

Attorney General seeks accurate forensic reports to deal with problems correctly

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            Bhadrapur: Attorney General Agni Prasad Kharel has urged those engaged in the practice of legal medicine to ensure delivery of fact-based reports so that possibility of impunity could be prevented.

            Taking part in interaction on ‘legal medicine and existing legal provisions’ with stakeholders concerned jointly organised by the District Police Office Jhapa and the District Attorney Office at Birtamod today, the Attorney General said lack of fact-based report would cause  delay in the investigation into any cases of serious nature, increasing possibility of impunity.

            He was of the view that any report lacking in-depth study about the case and proper forensic lab test would mislead the investigation process and promote impunity.

             “While saying this I am not intending to discourage medical doctors, I want to see them efficient, instead.”

            He advised them to go through proper test procedures and write the findings in a simple and easily understandable language.   As he said, proper identifications in regard with murder, rape or suicide case would provide a ground for bringing perpetrator(s) to book.

            He also sought the role of government attorneys, investigation officials and police for accurate forensic procedures.  Besides, he took time to call on media not to disseminate the news capable of influencing the case negatively.  

            He claimed  the investigation into the case relating to murder of Nirmala Panta of Kanchanpur after rape  got influenced by unnecessary  interventions from political parties, media and social network users.