•      Tue Oct 8 2024
The Kremlin’s Mobster Code

- Dina Khapaeva ATLANTA, July 18: Russia has a long history of rule by criminals. Channeling French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s famous dictum “property is theft,” the Bolsheviks emerged in the early twentieth century as a semi-criminal organization partly financed by the “expropriation of the expropriators” – in other words, armed

Migrant women returnees face stigma and rejection in society

How could they publicly represent that these women are contributing equally to our economy and that they are the contributors

Xi Jinping’s Russian Albatross

It is understandable that Xi would maintain this façade, given how often he has waxed rhapsodic about China’s ties with

What Ukraine Brings to NATO

But I know that ordinary Russians – having endured decades of despotism and having now lost 100,000 or more of

Economic complexity: Challenges and way forward

Nepal had begun witnessing impact of global economic crisis, which was further exacerbated by the COVID-19. In a bid to

America’s Myanmar Policy Is All Wrong

Just as the military-monarchy alliance has long shaped political developments in Thailand, where the generals have seized power 12 times over the last nine

A Human-Rights Approach to the Global Food Crisis

People immediately mobilized to protest Bolsonaro’s decision, including by organizing impressive public meals held on the streets of many cities

Chure Conservation Pressing Need of Hour

The logic of Bhutan and Australia exporting pebbles and stones does not suit Nepal's context. There is a Shiwalik Hill

The Return of the Warlords

OXFORD – The turmoil in Russia unleashed by Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner Group has drawn rapt attention in capitals throughout the world, but

Correction and reform awaited for meaningful change in budget

Every year, we hope the policies and programmes the government brings ensures changes, and even the Nepalis living in the