•      Sat Sep 28 2024
Advancing Environmental Justice with AI

NEW YORK – Climate change is undoubtedly the defining challenge of our time, but its effects are not equally distributed. In both developed and developing countries, environmental degradation disproportionately affects communities marginalized because of race, ethnicity, religion, and poverty. More often than not, these communities are already confronting systemic inequalities

America’s “New” China Narrative

TOWNSHEND, VERMONT – Three recent articles in The New York Times have signaled a “new” narrative about China. Only weeks ago, China

The Real Cost of De-Dollarization

At the end of World War II, the United States accounted for more than half the world’s economic output and

Book Review: China in the New Era

The present day China is no longer a land of mystery, but obviously is less explored by several human-made miracles.

China’s Dangerous Secrets

China also takes a highly secretive approach to its massive dam projects on international rivers flowing to other countries from

Preserving Essence of Teej Amidst Modern Influences

To preserve the true spirit of Teej, it is crucial to revisit the traditional aspects of the festival and promote

US-Japan-South Korea Security Alliance could disestablish the entire Asia-Pacific Region

The US administration is working systematically to materialize its goal of forming a solid security alliance between the US, Japan,

The Hunger Profiteers

The Bunge-Viterra merger offers an ideal opportunity to assess what kind of consolidation is really in the public interest and

Achieving Zero Hunger Is Still Possible

At the time, hunger levels had been trending lower for more than two decades, largely thanks to rising agricultural productivity

Expel Russia from UNESCO

UNESCO has condemned the Russian attacks on Odesa, noting that they took place just two weeks after the strike that destroyed a