•      Tue Jun 18 2024
US is meddling in the domestic affairs of Nepal using…

Particularly after the 1950, The United States has been champion on interfering in the internal matters of the other countries, citing this and that issues. Even Western political scientists opine that it is the US which has created instability in many countries and made fragile situation in many new and

India’s Broken State

The town of Joshimath may be nestled 6,000 feet (1,800 meters) above sea level in the Himalayas, but it is sinking

Nepal-India Relations: Trapped In Geopolitical Vortex

Among others, Nepal-India relations, from time immemorial, till today, has been guided by what may be referred as 5G factors

Closing the Eco Gender Gap

LONDON – A recent Twitter spat between influencer Andrew Tate and climate activist Greta Thunberg epitomized the eco gender gap. Tweeting at

China Is Dying Out

China’s population decline, which the Chinese government officially confirmed in January, has led many observers to wonder if the country’s

US Political System is unable to Create Domestic Peace and…

US leadership and politicians always praise their political system saying that it is the best political model, and can contribute

A Blueprint from India for Women’s Economic Empowerment

SEATTLE – As we embark on a new year, I have been reflecting on “resolutions,” and more specifically, what it

Current Economic Situation in Nepal

The economic situation in Nepal is not as alarming as some perceive it to be, although Kathmandu needs to be

Stealing Russia

Finally, Russian wealth is also being redistributed in the West. Russian companies are being forced to sell their subsidiaries or

Atrocities in India occupied Jammu and Kashmir

Overview On 5 August 2019, India unilaterally annexed Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) by passing a Re-org Bill and