•      Sun Sep 29 2024
Big Tech Shocks Electric Utilities

SAN DIEGO – If John D. Rockefeller were around today, he’d be screwing a Google Nest – the pioneering smart thermostat – into the wall of his home. The notoriously thrifty oil baron would have jumped at the chance to save on his monthly energy bill. Traditional energy companies, from

The South China Sea Could Boil Over

This is unlikely to change any time soon. With the wars in Ukraine and Gaza stretching American military resources thin,

The Big Push African Women Need to Escape Poverty

They are among the biggest challenges confronting Africa, and they all disproportionately affect women living in poverty or on the

Women’s transformative role advancing in Nepal

Governments must place decisive measures to ensure universal access to decision-making and policy-making platforms, regardless of geographical location, fostering an

Nepal: Moving Forward with IMF Support

A critical near-term government policy to support growth now is to increase capital spending in a fiscally responsible manner.

Orthopedic treatment getting easier: Indian surgeon Sharma

"Normally people are fearful of possible infection or subsequent complications. But now, the medical genre has gained much success. I

Multilateralism is an answer to ending hegemony and promoting globalization

Multilateralism, as a principle of international relations, advocates for cooperation and collaboration among multiple nations to address common challenges and

Will Europe Ever Get Serious About Defense?

All told, European leaders missed yet another opportunity to show how they plan to strengthen NATO’s European pillar, establish greater

Fast Developing AI as New Friend of Human

AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines that can perform tasks that are characteristics of human intelligence.


The Kathmandu Declaration on Climate Justice calls for protection and addressing special and differential needs of the poor and vulnerable